Citizens Advice Broxtowe are working hard to put in place the resources required to support our community through the cost-of-living crisis. We were pleased to receive an award from the Postcode Places Trust to support our income maximisation work over the next 18 months.
This is in additional to our overall package of financial resilience work that aims to provide long-term financial well-being for households in Broxtowe and contribute to levelling-up the financial outcomes of the poorest families in the Borough. We are working closely with a range of partners, including Broxtowe Borough Council and partners in the voluntary sector to deliver on this ambition and provide the support that is required.

Due to the cost-of-living crisis households need advice to ensure they are claiming their full entitlements. Requests for help have dramatically increased this year. The variety of assistance required is complex and provided by statutory, charitable and private sector organisations. The grant will fund an Income Maximisation Officer trained in benefits and with with knowledge of all forms of discretionary support to help families through the current crisis. The postholder will also support and train volunteers to carry out this work.
You can read more about financial resilience on our dedicated page here and follow the #FinancialResilience_Notts for updates.